• Sageing - 2024,  Second Half of Life

    Sageing Mid-Year Check-In: Celebrating Progress and Setting New Intentions

    So much for checking in regularly on my adventures with sageing this year! It’s the end of September, and whilst I have been steadily reading and working through the books I laid out to guide me on this path, much of what I have been unearthing is too personal to share in such a public forum. Combined with having Mr Collier home for a solid year and my desire to spend a lot of face time with him and settle into this life rhythm with him, I haven’t made the time to write much for either the blog or my newsletter. However, I have started synthesising my expedition into some shareable points.…

  • Sageing - 2024,  Second Half of Life,  Word of the Year

    Tackling the second half of life — Sageing is my word for 2024 

    Each year I select a word or phrase to guide me through the year and provide a focus for growth. This year’s word is SAGEING. I first read this term in a comment on Elizabeth Gilbert’s newsletter where the commenter described it as the act of growing older and wiser, i.e. becoming sage-like. I hadn’t heard the word before, but it would not let me go, so I have known since the middle of last year what this year’s word would be!   I did a little digging and found a couple of organisations with this exact focus to help me understand a little more. According to Sage-ing International, sageing is…